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Master the Art of Image Optimization
Master the Art of Image Optimization

Discover how to fine-tune image quality and file sizes

Ramon avatar
Written by Ramon
Updated over a week ago

The Image Quality feature empowers users to manage the quality of generated cropped images, adapting them for a variety of uses. These settings are essential for controlling file size and optimizing images for different channels, such as web site, social media, print, or email marketing.

To fine-tune the image quality, select a value between 1 and 10, considering your specific needs.

Note: The chosen image quality level influences the file's compression rate and the clarity of its pixels. Please test on few images first to find our your acceptable quality level.

Refer to the following guidelines to determine the most suitable quality level for your requirements:

Image Quality

When to use?

9 - 10

  • Use Case: Essential for situations demanding the highest fidelity to the original image, such as professional photography, high-quality printing, or archival storage.

  • Ideal For: Professional printing and historical archives where top-notch quality is paramount.

  • Outcome: Generates the largest file size but ensures minimum loss in quality.

7 - 8

  • Use Case: Perfect for high-quality applications, including detailed website graphics, product images, and professional photography.

  • Ideal For: High-quality product images and catalogs.

  • Outcome: Results in a larger file size with minimal quality loss.

5 - 6

  • Use Case: A versatile choice for general web usage, social media posts, and instances where a balance between file size and quality is key.

  • Outcome: Yields moderate file sizes with satisfactory quality for most purposes.

3 - 4

  • Use Case: Strikes a balance between file size and quality; suitable for online sharing where moderate quality suffices.

  • Outcome: Leads to moderate file sizes with some visible loss in quality.

1 - 2

  • Use Case: Optimal for situations where minimal file size is crucial, like enhancing web page loading speeds. Use cautiously for detail-rich images.

  • Outcome: Produces the smallest file size but with a noticeable decrease in image quality, highly compressed.

By selecting the appropriate image quality level, you can effectively tailor your images to meet the demands of your specific use case, ensuring the right balance between file size, quality, and functionality.

Choosing Quality

  1. In the Crop size step, locate and click on the Advanced option.

  2. Once in the Advanced settings, find the Quality value and set it to your desired level.

  3. Proceed to the next step and review the settings to ensure they meet your requirements.

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