π£ New features & enhancements
Renaming output files: We have introduced a feature to rename the output file based on an output format.
Zip download enhancement: The files in the downloaded zip will now be grouped in the folder of their respective dimension.
π€§ Open issues & limitations
Input images you upload can have larger pixel dimensions, such as 48MP. Still, the output sizes you select must be less than 25MP. For example, an output size of 5000x5000 pixels will be 25MP; this will work.
But if you choose a larger output size, such as 6000x6000 pixels (30MP), that is not supported if background removal is selected.
The Background Cleanup tool is incompatible with Content-Aware Resize. Please turn off Content-Aware Resize to use the Background Cleanup tool. We will address this in future releases.
Background cleanup tool not working for files which are larger than 25Megapixels. This will be addressed in next upcoming release.
Background cleanup tool not handling the PNG files which has transparent borders and transparent pixels.
Sometimes, uploaded files doesn't come in correct display order.